Be Free

Monday, January 5, 2009

Several friends and family members suggested that I start a blog. I'm an avid reader of The Pioneer Woman blog and can see that having one of my own has possibilities. This post is just sticking my toe in the water. We just returned from a sixteen day journey covering 5100 plus miles to visit all of my husband's children and grandchildren. We spent time in New Hampshire, Virginia, Ohio and South Carolina and passed through plenty of states between; I'll have to add them all up! Before we left we did a composite card to distribute to co-workers and friends and family. I'll start by sharing that.

In this photo we see me (four times) and Kevin (four times), our two dogs: Shadow and Sunshine (I expect you can tell which is which), two of our three horses: Rely (the bay) and Buck (the buckskin) and our cat, Clancy. There is also another cat hanging around, unnamed as yet (we wait a while to get attached to them).

The text on the card is descriptive of what we attempt to show with our photography: ways the LORD is displaying His sovereignty in our lives and how we observe Him working all around us.

The LORD has provided a feast for those who have Eyes to See.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll begin photojournaling from the 2000 plus images we took on our trip!

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