Our Christmas greeting combined images taken by our good neighbor, Linda (of us) and Nathan of snow at Vista Verde.
The Christmas season this year was spent on our own turf for the first time in several years. It began with the Christmas program at our church. Hub and I were 'persuaded' to direct it. We went through three revisions of the script. Kevin worked overtime on the set. Then, the day before our 'dress rehearsal', he came down with the flu! I took the unfinished pieces to church and appealed to those who were there to rehearse. I need 'goose wings'; I need the 'barn' carried in from the trailer. The barn needs a roof. The roof needs some snow. The door needs some touching up...For an intense hour everyone went to work and the set got set. The play got rehearsed. I substituted for Kevin who had the lead role. Admittedly I ad libbed. After asking for assistance in directing, I frustrated the poor person trying to 'direct' me! But, we persevered and the play (once we showed the kids how to use microphones without touching them) came across quite well. Once that was done, I went home and went to bed (after realizing I was running 100 plus fever). The next day, Monday, I was home ill and Kevin drug himself out of bed to tackle the chores. He went back to work. I stayed home Tues and then returned to work on Weds (with just two days to try to get necessary things done before the 'break'.
We had invited family to come stay with us for Christmas. On Christmas eve and Christmas morning we were frantically cleaning, straightening and bringing order to our house before folks arrived. That, too, was accomplished. The LORD gave us strength, and folks came a couple of hours later than we'd anticipated. Mercifully!
The guys got to go shooting; the women stayed behind to get the meal ready for their return.
We gathered together (20 of us) to celebrate at the Fire Department (which has a pretty nice set up for large group meals). The meal was bountiful; everyone overate. They left too many leftovers! Each saying, 'I can't take that home; we shouldn't eat anymore!' So, we were left with enough to do the dinner all over, but there were lots fewer to partake!
I learned a lot from this undertaking (usually my sister or my Mom host these family afffairs).
1. be specific about what you want people to bring
2. scope out the seating in advance
3. capitalize on finger foods
4. root beer is the preferred beverage
5. accept help from all who offer it
6. plan a fun activity (not Monopoly; it takes way too long to play). I can't actually think of a single activity that would appeal to all. I am going to start looking for one for next year!
7. add two rooms to the house
Photos in this post were from the whole interim/break/holiday. There are none of the Christmas program (I was wearing too many hats to take any pictures).